A Question Every Investor Should Ask

Ask yourself: Do I have access to the best possible investment products? You want a completely independent advisor who is beholden to no one but you, the client. Banks and brokers push particular investment products for all kinds of reasons, and “because they are the...

Women in Finance: The Power of the Purse

Our economy has become a she-conomy. Today’s women are responsible for making 85% of household purchasing decisions, and contribute 7 trillion dollars of consumer and business spending. Women own 40% of American private businesses and are the major contributors of...

4 Steps to Surviving Information Overload

It’s October 2012, and as Americans we have some important decisions to make. The fast-approaching election, whichever way it turns out, will strongly impact the direction of our economy, our government, and our social policy in the coming few years, and we are still...