A Smarter Way To Splurge

You wouldn’t give up on eating healthy for the rest of your life just because you had junk food this week. After all, every day is a fresh chance to make healthy choices. Financial wellness is built the same way: It’s never too late to break old financial...

Impulsive Spending? How To Break The Habit

Sometimes, staying within a budget isn’t only about what you spend but how you spend. Take the first step on your journey towards a healthier financial future by asking yourself, “What are my spending behaviors?” Example: You tend to spend… on unplanned online...

Make Your Money Work For You

Pop quiz: Think about every millionaire and billionaire you know of. What do they all have in common that you may or may not have? An investment account. It’s time to lose the idea that investing is either a) boring, or b) something that should be postponed until you...

Superstorm Sandy: A Cautionary Tale

Hurricane Sandy has, to say the least, wreaked a lot of havoc. Some of us were lucky enough to be huddled in our apartments with flashlights, waiting out the storm. Some of us are dealing with far worse consequences—flooded homes, evacuation, loss. Our hearts and...