How To Overcome A Fear Of Failure

Embracing failure is a process of cultivating your own confidence as much as finding the lessons you need to move on to bigger and better things. Accept that failure can be part of living a full life. If you dream big and challenge the status quo (I hope you do!),...

Wall Street Reform, Inspired By You

What inspires us at LexION Capital? You. I was recently invited to attend a number of fascinating conferences as both guest and a speaker. Traveling and meeting people all over the United States continues to energize my commitment to and conviction about the LexION...

We’re On A Mission To Disrupt Wall Street

At LexION Capital, we’re on a mission to disrupt Wall Street. Our MO has a few key parts: Raise the bar in finance with ethical, transparent, client-centric wealth management. Empower people to take control of their finances and build the rich life they dream...

Finding Mentors and Making Connections

It is so important to have mentors to guide you, inspire you, and help you grow in your professional journey. Throughout my career, I have always been fortunate to have several mentors who push me to dream bigger and expect more from myself. Mentors often have a...