7 Habits That Lead To Wealth

Everybody wants to be wealthy and successful — however, not many actually make it a reality. The difference between successful people and the rest of the pack is that they don’t leave their achievements up to chance. Instead of waiting for success or wealth to fall in...

Understanding Two Types of Motivation

What is motivation? Can it be developed? How can you lose it and how does it return? According to the Oxford Living Dictionary, motivation is the “desire or willingness to do something”. Motivation provides one with an incentive or reason to take action. Sometimes...

7 Morning Routines of Successful People

Many of us have a love-hate relationship with mornings. It’s often the only time we get a few hours of peace and quiet, but then our beds are too comfy to get out of in order to make the most of those precious early moments. However, if you want to be...

Money and Career Myths

Money and career myths. A Yelp employee wrote a letter to her employer, and CEO, Jeremy Stoppelman a few years ago about her plight of living on her wages in San Francisco, and barely being able to afford anything. The letter went viral, and Yelp fired her, but the...