The Most Important Person in Your Financial Life

I’ve blogged about important finance tips for marriage, for couples, and for families, but it’s been said that the most important relationship you will have in your life is the one you have with yourself. Taking control of your finances is one of the most empowering...

Financial Health for Families

Another important financial dialog is the money conversation that you have with your children. As a parent, you can empower your children by teaching them about personal finance, helping them develop smart money management skills, and instilling them with the...

Financial Planning With Your Aging Parents

Starting a conversation about financial matters can be tricky. We’re often taught that it is not “polite” to talk about finances, and money matters touch on some incredibly personal and even emotional topics. But opening up the dialogue is critical to financial health...

Five Money Rules to Live By

Every one of us makes several “money decisions” every day. Some money decisions involve major long-term plans that affect the future –taking out grad school loans, buying a home, opening an investing account or adjusting your asset allocation. But the majority of...

Finding the Right Financial Advisor

Not only do you want to work with an independent fiduciary, who is legally required to uphold your best interests, you also want to find an advisor who will encourage you to be an empowered participant in financial planning. Here are some questions to keep in mind as...