by Elle Kaplan | Nov 16, 2022 | Blog, Health, Mindset
“Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself.” Ludwig Wittgenstein, 20th century Austrian-British philosopher There are many ways in which flawed thinking is hardwired into our brains. Wikipedia has compiled a collection of more than 150 cognitive biases. Some...
by Elle Kaplan | Oct 24, 2022 | Press
The shocking truth about professional financial advice. At some point in time, everyone considers the need for professional financial advice. For some, they consider it because they want to know if they can do better. For others, they get enticed by a professional...
by Elle Kaplan | Oct 12, 2022 | Blog, Health, Investing, Mindset
While New Years is the traditional time for Americans to set goals, there is never a bad time to improve your life. In fact, fall may be the perfect time to set goals so that you have time to get into good habits and tweak your goals before New Year’s. That way,...
by Elle Kaplan | Oct 6, 2022 | Blog, Health, Mindset
There are ways to prevent the bias from negatively impacting our success as investors. We bring pre-existing biases to everything we do, including investing. Behavioral scientists have been studying cognitive biases in investing for decades. Some examples of...
by Elle Kaplan | Aug 26, 2022 | Press
Last month, I wrote a post on Communicating with Confidence. But what I didn’t get into then is the idea that the best communicators are those who also listen intentionally. Arguably, listening is the key to great communication. Do you ever talk to people in your life...