How to Become a Great Leader

Oct 16, 2018 | Entrepreneurship, inspiration, Leadership, Success

Purpose vs. Results

Powerful, influential, and inspiring leadership – it’s rare. A great leader is hard to come by, but there are a few traits and behaviors that tie all the greatest leaders in history together. Enter the Golden Circle Model. You may have heard of it before, as it was popularized by Simon Sinek in his TED Talk. The Golden Circle Model explores the concept of incorporating “why”, “how”, and “what”. There is a special emphasis that is placed on the “why”. Essentially: give your team a reason to believe in the purpose of what they are doing. A leader is not simply a manager. A leader motivates, creates necessary change, and listens to peoples’feelings. As the leader in any team or environment, the relationships you form are more important than the results you generate. In a study done by Zenger, it was found that when employees rated a manager as very high on “focus on results” (that is, one’s ability to get things done effectively), there was only a small (14 percent) chance that the manager would be rated among the top 10 percent of leaders overall. The inverse was true as well.

Listening vs. Hearing

A good leader is tough but warm, truly a delicate balance to both achieve and maintain. As you may know, listening is different from hearing. Listening actively involves making the effort to understand what is being communicated to you. Likewise, inspiration is different from motivation. Inspiration is what insures that your team sees the bigger picture and the bigger purpose of what you are chasing. Becoming a great leader is no easy task, but in trying, your efforts are sure to be rewarded. When in doubt, aspire be the kind of compassionate, inspiring leader that you would want to see. Be open-minded, but goal-oriented and driven.

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